Create a High-Performance Organization
Improve Culture. Engage Employees. Strengthen Leaders.
Maximizing Human Performance
Core Drivers to Increase Personal and Organizational Effectiveness

We help organizations institutionalize greatness at all levels.
Whether your organization is facing changes or desires to increase overall performance, Maximizing Human Performance is designed to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be – both personally and organizationally. Success is achieved when individuals and teams better understand who they are, how they got where they are, and discover 'how' to get where they want to go.
The principles shared throughout the Maximizing Human Performance (MHP) process have been shared with thousands of people with proven results. Whether your organization chooses to invest in the One-Day, Two-Day or customized Half-Day workshop our goal is to provide you with the tools and inspiration to thrive. All MHP workshops have carefully designed formats, and include principles that seamlessly have an impact on the individual as well as the goals of the entire organization.
We believe, “Organizations don’t change, people are expected to change.” As team members grow and improve individually, team effectiveness improves. Unfortunately, research shows employees do not receive sufficient training to produce high trust and performance. Whereas organizations that consistently invest in their people see cultures improves and increased results sustained. When the MHP concepts are shared, institutionalized, and become intertwined with the fabric of the organization, high performance, and effectiveness follows naturally.
MHP includes core performance principles that lead to better attitudes, leadership, an understanding of how to achieve personal and organizational goals. MHP also provides an understanding of what a ‘thriving’ organization looks like and provides steps for creating such an organization. MHP emphasizes the greatness of each person and gives employees tools and strategies for taking 100% accountability for performance.
Each person in an organization plays a vital role in whether the organization and its culture is strengthened or weakened. When organizations use the MHP principles to align with the mission, values, and goals – not only does personal performance improve, but attitudes, satisfaction, engagement, are strengthened. In other words, when you discover how to get out of your own way, then will your culture transcends and thrive.
MHP is appropriate for ALL levels of the organization – whether frontline employees, managers, or executives.
Here are a few concepts covered in the MHP process:
– Taking 100% Responsibility for Personal Effectiveness and Performance
– Thriving Through Times of Constant Change
– How to Communicate with Effectiveness and Influence
– How the Mind Works (and how it relates to performance)
– Attitude: Life’s Winning Ticket. (In the end, attitude makes up the difference)
– Strategies for Designing a Winner’s Mindset
– High-Performance Goal-Setting
– Developing a Game Plan for Success
– Creating Shared: Mission, Values, and Goals (connecting personal vision with the organization’s vision)
– Celebrate the Journey (while striving for excellence)
Note: Thriving organizations and cultures have learned that 'mindset' or 'emotional intelligence' training is as important as occupational and 'job skill' training. Additionally, when organizations utilize the MHP concepts and strategies in conjunction with existing training initiatives – ALL training becomes more effective.
*MHP can be customized for your organization's specific goals and initiatives.
Contact Us for more details.
It is typical for 'organizations' to invest time in developing vision and values and then set goals that harmonize with the organization's values. Companies are successful when they operate in alignment with their vision and values. That said, how much more powerful would it be if organizations invested in employees (people) to help them identify their own 'life' vision and values – and then align 'personal' values with the organization's goals and values? Powerful!
This is exactly what we do inside organizations. Our processes esteems the individual and enable greater personal accountability and deeper engagement. "Good organizations help employees become better employees, but great organizations help employees become better people!"
By investing in employees, by providing the MHP experience, they become clear about:
What is their potential?​
What drives them?
What is their purpose?
What is their 'personal' vision and values?
What are their life goals?
How can their talents and goals, lift the organization to higher levels of productivity and results?
Our processes and tools have been used by many companies, suchas: Seattle Best Coffee, Alaska Marine Lines, Lexus, Battelle, Nu Skin, Hilton Hotels, Prudential – even the Office of the Surgeon General and U.S. Military, and many more.