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Keep Your Commitments

Do you keep your commitments?

When it comes to self-confidence and living in peace with yourself, I encourage you to make it a habit of "Keeping your commitments!"

Have you ever received a commitment from someone to show up on time for an appointment, but then neglected to do so? Or, did someone commit to completing a task only to give excuses for why they failed to follow through on their commitment? It's frustrating!

Over the years, I can't count the number of people who have made commitments to my staff or to me only to fall short. Truth be told; I'm sure there have been instances where I have failed to keep commitments, but I strive to keep it to a minimum.

One sign of someone who has self-confidence and personal pride is that they make a strong effort to keep commitments. Keeping a commitment is a reflection of one's character; it's a matter of integrity. When people are truly committed, they have a real intent and feel a sense of obligation to follow through on a specific decision.

So, next time you are tempted to commit to a task, ask yourself, "Do I truly intend to keep this commitment?" If the answer is "no" or "probably not," then I encourage you to have the confidence to refrain from making the commitment. Don't commit!

When making a commitment:

  1. Have true intentions of following through on the commitment.

  2. Clarify all expectations with the other party.

  3. Check your qualifications. If a choice is available, are you the best choice for completing the task? Will the other party be satisfied with the skills and results you bring to the table?

  4. Execute without excuses. If you have made the commitment, then do everything in your power to keep that commitment.


About TJ Hoisington:

TJ Hoisington is the bestselling author of "If You Think You Can!" and "The Secret of the Slight Edge." He has authored other books and training programs on peak performance, personal development, and leadership. As a motivational speaker and organizational performance expert, TJ has been invited to speak to audiences of 10-15,000 people. TJ's mission is to provide inspiration and tools that empower people and organizations achieve their goals by unleashing the greatness within. He is the co-founder of Dunn Hoisington Leadership International.

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